Kompakte und zuverlässige USV-Anlage mit Batteriepufferung und 3 IEC-Steckdosen mit Überspannungsschutz
2x IEC-Stromkabel
Geerdete Netzsteckdose
Unterstützte Geräte: PC, Monitor
Version 2.2 | Mehrsprachig
Version 1.0 | Mehrsprachig
The UPS has a 12V/9AH battery.
- Green LED: This indicates that the UPS is operating normally on utility power from your wall socket.
- Yellow LED plus sound: This indicates that your UPS isn't operating on utility power from your wall socket. Check the wall power, and cabling.
- Red LED plus sound: This indicates an error, and can have 2 reasons:
1. The equipment connected to the UPS is drawing more power than the UPS can provide. Each model of UPS is capable of handling a predetermined amount of power draw. Verify that the wattage draw from your equipment plugged into the outlets does not exceed the Watt rating.
2. The battery is near the end of its useful life. It is a warning that the battery needs to be replaced. It does not necessarily mean that the battery is dead. The typical life span of the battery is 2-4 years depending on use and environment (temperature). Before replacing the battery, however, you should let the UPS charge overnight (leave it plugged in, turned on, and with no load attached). Then test the UPS. If the UPS fails the test and the unit is still in warranty (2 years from date of purchase), contact our support for further troubleshooting. If the unit is out of warranty, a replacement battery should be ordered from your local retailer.
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